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Height and erect posture

Females' sexual attraction towards males is sometimes partly determined by the height of the man.[19] Height in men is associated with status in many cultures, which is beneficial to women romantically involved with them. This preference may have been passed on genetically.[20] As a corollary, shorter men may be viewed as less attractive, all other things being equal, for casual and intended long-term relationships. One study conducted of women's personal ads support the existence of this preference; the study found that in ads requesting height in a mate, 80 percent requested a height of 6 feet or taller.[20] However, this percentage was only of ads specifying height, and therefore possibly self-selected and/or biased by a third factor such as female height.

Additionally, women seem more receptive to an erect posture than men, though both prefer it as an element of beauty; this fact appears correlated to the preference for males who demonstrate confidence, physical strength, and a powerful bearing.[20]

Cosmopolitan Magazine published an article suggesting that women are most attracted to men who are 1.1 times their own height. The article also argued, on the basis of a survey of their readers, that women are statistically more likely to be attracted to men of average height when looking for long-term commitment, while the opposite is true when a short-term relationship is intended. In addition, the article claimed that women may have these different preferences for height depending on the phase of their menstrual cycle at the time.[21] While women usually desire men to be at least the same height as themselves or taller, several other factors also determine male attractiveness, and the male-taller norm is not universal.[22]
[edit] Hairiness

Studies based in California, New Zealand, and China have shown that women rate men with no body hair as most attractive, and that attractiveness ratings decline as hirsutism increases.[23][24] Another study found a moderate amount of trunk hair was most attractive, to the sample of British and Sri Lankan women.[18]

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