Cái này là vẻ đẹp những em bé gái VN

Hot girl Hà thành .. 6 tuổi. Mới có 6 tuổi cô bé đã được đặt cho cái “mác” Hot girl rồi! Trông cô bé thật xinh xắn và cực kỳ đáng yêu. Cô bé làm điệu từ mái tóc, đẹp với quần áo của mình. Hơn thế, cô bé còn biết makeup nữa ấy :X
Hot girl Hà thành .. 6 tuổi. Mới có 6 tuổi cô bé đã được đặt cho cái “mác” Hot girl rồi! Trông cô bé thật xinh xắn và cực kỳ đáng yêu. Cô bé làm điệu từ mái tóc, đẹp với quần áo của mình. Hơn thế, cô bé còn biết makeup nữa ấy :X

He took up once more the card which he had taken from his pocket and thrown down upon the table, and read it again as he had read it before, in the cafe, at a glance, and in the cab, by the light of each gas-lamp, on his way home.
"Georges Lamil, 51 rue Moncey." Nothing more.
He examined the grouped letters; they seemed to him mysterious, full of confused meaning. Georges Lamil? Who was this man? What did he do? Why had he looked at the woman in that way? Was it not revolting that a stranger, an unknown man, could thus disturb a man's life, without warning, just because he chose to fix his insolent eyes upon a woman? Again the Viscount repeated aloud:
"What a hound!"
Then he remained standing stock-still, lost in thought, his eyes still fixed upon the card. A fury against this scrap of paper awoke in him, a fury of hatred in which was mingled a queer sensation of uneasiness. This sort of thing was so stupid! He took up an open knife which lay close at hand and thrust it through the middle of the printed name, as though he had stabbed a man.
So he must fight. Should he choose swords or pistols?--for he regarded himself as the insulted party. With swords there would be less risk, but with pistols there was a chance that his adversary might withdraw. It is very rare that a duel with swords is fatal, for mutual prudence is apt to restrain combatants from engaging at sufficiently close quarters for a point to penetrate deeply. With pistols he ran a grave risk of death; but he might also extricate himself from the affair with all the honours of the situation and without actually coming to a meeting.
"I must be firm," he said. "He will take fright."

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